The classical model of communication, which has been applied analogically by behavioral and linguistic scientists, was addressed by Shannon and Weaver in 1949. Although this model was formed in terms of technological view, it influences a great number of later human communication models (Shannon and Weaver, 1949).
The Shannon and Weaver’s communication model is described as a linear process, which is including five functions and one noise factor (figure). The first state in the process is the information source, which is the source of producing a message or continuing messages to communicate with others. In the second step, the function of transmitter is to delivery the message by signals. Through the channels, the signals should be leading to the receiver, which is the opposite of the transmitter. After receiving signals, the receiver attempts to reconstruct the message from the signals. Therefore, the received message reaches the destination. During the process, the signal is too vulnerable to keep the original meaning from message, and could be easily disturbed by noise. For example, if there are many signals in one channel at the same time, the signal will be interfered by other sources between transmitted and received signal, which may mean that there are some differences between the original massage, produced by the source, and the reconstructed message, received by receiver. Because a sent and a received massage are not always identical, therefore, that is the common reason why communication fails.